I've Been Watching You...

On this day, we celebrate my father's birthday...yup 3 days after Father's Day. A man who is dedicated to his family, job, and community. He works HARD and rarely complains. No matter how tired he is or if he has a headache or if it is in the wee hours of night, he will always lend a helping hand. The manner in which he approaches life is commendable and should be applauded. He does not have a petty bone in his body.

A few weeks ago, he stepped out of his comfort zone and embraced something new.

Let's rewind...have you heard of the running man challenge?! Well, the Detroit Police Department called out the Philadelphia PD. Now what do you think was the first thing I did?! I ran into his room to show him this challenge and asked him what was he going to do about this...his fingers started moving on the phone and we began to strategize stunts. I could NOT contain my excitement. THIS WAS HAPPENING. I would come home every day and ask him when were they coming to record SWAT, bomb squad, K9, Homeland Security, and the marine unit - he probably grew tired of me asking. But this did NOT stop me. I've been known for my persistence.

Then I received the text...they were coming the next day. I wanted to call out of work to go observe them filming, yet I did not. But there were other ways I could prepare...we watched ALL the videos (I swear the song makes me feel like I am back in high school), we were obsessed with all the stunts the other departments incorporated because we (yes I am a part of his team in my head) did not want to copy anything. And of course we practiced the running man to get my dad ready the night before.YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY - my dad was going to dance guys!

So they filmed and the waiting game began again. They had to edit and piece together their video. Oh yeah - did I mention I had to keep all of this a secret?! And finally it was released. AHHHHHHH - please cop your enthusiasm as the Philadelphia Police Department takes on the running man challenge.

I am so proud of the Inspector for doing something out of the ordinary and embracing this challenge with his officers. I squealed when I saw it. I cannot even begin to describe what I was feeling. With the state of our country, the community relations these officers are participating in - especially with our youth - illustrates the positivity of the officers who serve and protect. 

So on your birthday dad, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for leading; thank you for your gentle, yet strong presence; thank you for your solid advice; thank you for always being there; and most of all, thank you for proving that sometimes I need to step outside of my box to have some fun! 

Happy Birthday daddy - we love you!  




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