2016 2nd Quarter Reads

*Note to self - do not forget to post a monthly round up of books read next year. Until then, we have to suffer through extremely LONG quarterly bewteen the covers posts.*


Seal's Honor by Elle James
What's not to love about a romance novel when there are Navy Seals involved?! This was a quick, light read...perfect way to segue into the Monday morning routine.

Warm Winter Kisses by Jill Steeples
Another quickly read romance novel. I tend to read free kindle books when I am waiting on other books to become available at the library. It was a light read that kept me busy for about 4 hours.

The Status of All Things by Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke
Maya and I do book club virtually. We both read a book and then we discuss it in depth over email throughout our work day to pass the time. This book ideally reinforced a lot of things I discussed here in the Social Media Nightmare. 

I am a social media coordinator and people think of me as the devil. (I was really called this in Costa Rica when somebody asked me what it is I do for a living.) And this is because people forget to live in the present and are so consumed with the image they portray with their social media profiles. 

A few poignant lines from this book: 

No one's ever really ready for anything. You just fake it until it feels right - and eventually it will. 

The only way to get through something is to go straight through it. Not hide from it. Just feel it, learn from it, and then pick up the pieces and move on with your life. 

...a lot happier if we spent more time cultivating relationships with the people right in front of us. 

...push beyond my fear to find clarity even if it meant I might get hurt. 

If you pick this book up, let's discuss! I would love to hear what others think of this story. 

The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
Oh Shonda! This book...what can I say?! Luckily for me, Sonya already wrote a guest blog on it. And let's just say I highly recommend this read. 

Just Fall by Nina Sadowsky
This book came highly recommended and I somehow just wanted it to end. 


The Blackbirds by Eric Jerome Dickey
I loved every page of this book. It centered around 4 women maintaining their friendship while dealing with the complexities of life. Each section was based on a friend's birthday - and we all know how much I LOVE birthdays! These 2 lines made me take pause and reflect: 

Truth is elusive when viewed through the prism of multiple perspectives. 

A happy ending was determined by when a story ended. Any tale that went on too long took the risk of undoing happiness. A happy ending was all about timing. About knowing when to leave the stage. 

One With You by Sylvia Day
I anxiously awaited the release of the final installment of the Crossfire series. And I must say it left me wanting more. I have so many unanswered questions. Is the baby Trey's? Does Cary reconcile with Trey? Does Ava find out about her mother's true identity and her aunt? Sylvia Day should give us more. 

The Lake Season by Hannah McKinnon
I wanted to love this book, but I did not. However, Hannah did leave me with this: there's more than one road leading home. 

Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I needed to read this book for so many different reasons, but I will leave you with just these 3 lines: 

Looks aren't the measure of a woman. 

You're trying too hard to find the perfect answer when an answer will do...

I'm learning to just appreciate the good while you have it in your sights. Not to worry so much about what it all means and what will happen next. 

Dirtiest Secret by J. Kenner
Similar to Sylvia Day's Crossfire series, this book pulled me in and is twisted. Thank goodness the sequel comes out in 12 more days! 

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
We read this for book club and are meeting to discuss it next week, therefore I cannot really discuss it. But let's just say I had to draw a flowchart upon completion and I am anxiously waiting to dissect it with my girls. This book evoked so many emotions - I will be in the theaters this October to see how this story is portrayed on the big screen. 


A Lowcountry Wedding by Mary Alice Monroe
Every summer I look forward to the latest edition to "The Summer Girls" series. Loved this book and I just found out a holiday edition will be released this October. 

Suddenly One Summer by Julie James
Another quick, light read centered on romance - have you noticed a trend for my summer reads?! I enjoyed this book. 

Vengeance by Zane
Ahhhh Zane - you suck me in EVERY time. 

The Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews
I could have did without reading this book - however, I quickly consumed the 420 pages in less than 12 hours. 

The Summer of Good Intentions by Wendy Francis
This was a feel good book centered around family (no wonder why I liked it). There were definitely a few gems: 

...all her love couldn't protect the ones she loved. 

Maybe the mess of life was the very thing she was supposed to enjoy instead of always fighting it, trying to impose order. 

If, however, you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness is necessary.




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