Table Talk

With everybody living life in the fast lane, many things in the familial unit has suffered. One thing that sticks out to me the most is family dinner. Nowadays, in most households both parents have full time jobs, therefore there really isn't enough time in the day to put together a well balanced meal for the family once you get home. More often than not, parents will grab something on their way home or throw something together quickly and then allow the children to eat their dinner in front of the tv while they begin their preparation for the next day. Planning meals ahead could be a solution to this issue - you can prepare multiple meals on the weekend for the week or a crock pot always comes in handy.

Whenever I start a family, I am going to make it a point to have dinner together at the kitchen table at least 5 times a week. Although schedules may vary according to work and the kids' extracurricular activities, I still want us to eat together in order for us to have our table talk. Dinner is a great time to interact with your family and discover how their day was and what is going on in their lives.

This is how I grew up (although my dad worked varying shifts), my mom still sat down with us and ate dinner and sometimes we had dinner as soon as we got home from school. This allowed us all to gather around the table and discuss school and if one of us (mainly Collin - lol) may have gotten in trouble that particular day. Since it was instilled in me at a young age, I want to share this with my future children. I think this is an important facet of everyday life that gets overlooked too often. And who wants to pass up a great meal?!?!

You may not have a lot of spare time, but make your time count with those you love. ;)

As generations transcend, what norm, that seems to be a thing of the past,do you want to resurrect?



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