2012 Goals and Aspirations

I am one who firmly believes in writing things down - although lately I have "typed" things instead of physically writing them (darn technology) - if I share my goals with you, then that holds me more accountable, so here we are...what do I hope to achieve in 2012...this is a big year for me - I enter into a new decade. YIKES! If I start saying this out loud NOW, maybe it will be easier for me to accept in 10 months...

1. Create my vision board
2. Find a job (preferably a career)
3. Become more social again - hang out with my girlfriends at least once a month
4. Go on dates!!! Which hopefully will result in...
5. Being in a mutually fulfilling relationship
6. Read 100 books (I refuse to be silly and write read more, watch tv less - I am sure I can juggle them both)
7. Eat healthier - I did well until an injury explained below
8. Work out at least 3 times a week - I started out good with this until July when I fell down the steps and hurt my ankle...after it healed 2 weeks later, I never got back into my rhythm of consistently working out especially after I started working in September
9. Say no when I want to - no compromising for others desires if they do not align with my own
10. Potty train Price - we are working on this still. It is hard with him going back and forth between 2 households. Hopefully, this will be tackled before his 2nd birthday. You all know my rule - I do not change diapers of children once they turn 2. 
11. Try new food
12. Travel
13. Make my "30 Things Before 30 list" - and accomplish EVERY one of them
14. Incorporate family dinners again - we may not have had regular family dinners, but we did all get together for Pricey's bday, Easter, and Thanksgiving. This is an improvement. And I also hung out with my cousins more with spontaneous dinners, brunches, movie dates, and shopping. 
15. Live. Laugh. Love. loosely translated try not to take things so seriously and just live.
16. Cultivate all relationships and not take anything for granted
17. New Car
18. Transition to the Mac world with a MacBook Pro
19. Blog at least twice a week
20. Do community service

That is all I can thing of for now, but it seems like a good start to me. Hellooooooo 2012, I have been waiting for you - let's do this.



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