Guest Blogger (Amber) - Flirting with 30, I Mean 25 Again

What can I say about Amber?! We became close sophomore year in Geometry struggling through Mr. Leong's class - pure torture. I have never hated math THAT much. Amber's home became a home away from home in high school - many afternoons you could find me in her bed, rummaging through her cds and clothes, or in her kitchen eating her grandmother's great cooking. There were many days I didn't know what I would do without her amid my high school "heartbreaks" - THANKS for making sure I ate those Wendy's chicken nuggets (after avoiding food for multiple days) even if I just wanted to lay on your floor or under your covers and plot my revenge just cry and complain. My only regret is that we lost contact our junior year of college and afterwards - but life happens and I am grateful we have reconnected. We can now look forward to sharing our adult lives with each other. So on your 30th birthday, I wish you nothing but the great things God has for your life and I look forward to many more years of friendship. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER!!!! Xoxo

According to the calendar year, I am scheduled to turn 30 this year, but I have decided to hold off on that monumental milestone for a little while, I have decided that I will be turning 25 again :-P (Awww, don’t be mad that you can’t do this too, lol).  Anyone who knows me, knows that I often think of the most outrageous things, so let’s just go ahead and add this on:-D. The age of 30 comes with a lot of responsibility; Marriage, kids, successful career, social circles, community involvements, aging parents/grandparents, and so forth, things I’m just not ready for yet, so 25 seems a lot more accepting my mind (hush, let me have my moment………).  Ok, now I can continue.
The reason I have decided that I am holding off on turning 30 is because I feel like I was ripped off in my 20’s.  I was pregnant at 20 (that damn Kenny), a mother by 21, and basically spent the entire decade raising my son, who is now 8 years old and has no problem telling people that I am turning 30 (damn the successful educational path he has traveled). I didn’t have the opportunity to live the life of a typical 20 year old, late nights partying, random road trips with the girls, random relationships, and all those other things that your 20’s were made for.  I basically, had to live and learn real quick what life was about since I had another life depending on me. 
But don’t get me wrong, my 20’s were not all lost.  My son is the greatest thing that could have ever happened to me.  It is because of him, I graduated not only with a Bachelor’s but with TWO master’s degrees as well.  I became a member of the illustrious sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. (Hail to the Pink and Green), brought my first home, married my high school sweetheart and  of course I am gainfully employed as a state employee. Pretty damn good if I say so myself, especially when it was said by some it couldn’t be done, well look at me now :-P *pops my collar.* Granted I am not rich in money, but I am rich in love.  I am not publicly successful, but I am successful in the eyes of my son, my husband and my mother. 
During my 20’s, I have lost some friends and family, I have gained new friends and have even reunited with some old ones too.  I can contribute that to my growth as an individual.  In friendships, you are accepted for who you are regardless of one’s own thoughts or feelings. I have learned that holding grudges only makes you bitter and older; a definite route I am not trying to go (hence the title).  I have learned not to let those angry situations stagger my growth so I just pray for them and accept them as they are.  I now surround myself with positive people, who enjoy life just as much as I do, who will laugh with me, cry with me, who will drink with me (if needed), who are supportive of me and not judgmental of my decisions , and will RIDE or DIE with me (they sooo know who they are).  So shout out to my 20’s for defining my true friendships!
Here a few lessons that I have learned throughout my 20’s that I plan to take back with me to 25 and beyond:
1.       Live your life to the fullest- Tomorrow is never promised.  Live life with no regrets!  Smile because you have life running through your veins.  Be thankful for the things life has given you and the opportunities that it has given, remember someone else is doing a lot worse than you.
2.      Everything has its season- People and things are placed in your life for a reason and sometimes for a season.  Learn to accept their purpose and move forward don’t let it be the reason you put your life on hold. Let the BS go!
3.      Cherish friends and family- They are the best support system you can have.  (I mean who else will bail you out of jail if you needed it… I’m Just Saying).  Treat them with love, respect, loyalty, and generosity.  Never take them for granted, never under appreciate them, and give them their praises while they are here.
4.      Follow God’s path  - Your path is already pre-destined from the time of conception, so don’t get upset if things don’t always work out the way you planned. Have a sit down with God and tell him about your plans. He just might have redesigned your path to accommodate your requests.
5.      And lastly, Take a shot for every year you want to celebrate your birthday!!!

So Happy Birthday to Everyone! Celebrate like it’s your last and remember every birthday is a milestone!

Live J, Laugh :-D, Love <3
Amber Caprice



  1. Okay Amber! I feel like you wrote "our' story girl!!! Pregnant at 19 and but would not change it for the world! You continue to be the success story you are! I hope that my daughter and two sons look at me and say yes life may not go the way you planned it but God will pull you through! Happy Belated bday love!!!! And keep being teh amazing woman you are!


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