Guest Blogger (Jeannette) - 30 Already, Sheesh?!

I would like to reintroduce you to my conscience and one of my dearest friends - Jeannette. What can I say about her?! To know her is to love her - and when she is around a good time is guaranteed. No matter what mood I am in, I know by the end of our conversation or hanging out, I will have gotten my tears out along with coming up with a solution or revenge, laughed, received a reality check if needed (side eye at her because I am always right, right?!), or talked to sternly about something I may or may not have said out my mouth (I sometimes get talked to about my thoughts - how the hell does she know what I am thinking?!). She has one of the most genuine hearts and I value her place in my life. Jeannette, thank you for always talking sense into me and dealing with my hollyisms (i.e. the botched Thanksgiving cake 5 years ago). I have no idea how you calm me, but you do a damn good job. Love ya! Happy 30th! And YES, you are 30 Already. 

Whelp the time has come and I'm finally what people will consider OLD!!!!! Now you can say this means I'm wiser and "seasoned" - that makes me feel better. 

If you would've asked me 5 years ago where I thought I would be I'd say married with another kid, at least a supervisor, and comfortable with life. So at least I got one thing down. People ask that dreadful question "Why are you not married at 30?" Truth is I haven't a clue. I can honestly say I was never with anyone who was completely uninterested in marriage. It's just the men I date have commitment issues (that's another blog). 

What I can say is in my 30 years I have LIVED. I take no day for granted and accept every day as a new opportunity. I have struggled and survived, suffered great losses and overcame obstacles. Most importantly I have LEARNED - learned what makes me happy, what I should and should not accept; learned to forgive but know that everyone isn't deserving of my kindness and to look out for those who may abuse it. 

I ended my 20's in Cancun with some of my close friends. No actually my best friends...we had thee time of our lives, held nothing back, and let loose and lived free. No kids, men, bills, stress, diets, etc. And for that I am grateful. I couldn't have put to rest my 20's any other way. If you know anything about me. I LOVE a good time.
In my 30's and going forward I plan on having twice the fun. Going out whenever I feel like it. Shaking my tail when I want. Focusing on living a healthier lifestyle...ok maybe not that far but at least keeping my body in a presentable condition by working out. My love affair with food is REAL. Love harder with no limits and be open for some handsome man to sweep me off my feet. Travel more and see the world. Work less (yes less I spend too much time working). Be more attentive to my family and friends. Last but not least BE ME, LOVE ME, AND LAUGH A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!



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