5 Sweet Little Nothings

Imagine my surprise when I was taking a Buzzfeed quiz one night and one of the answers listed was white chocolate twix. With the quiz quickly forgotten, I headed to google to search because I had NEVER seen them in stores. In fact, I didn't even know it was a thing. After investigating, I learned a) they were a limited release and b) they were sold in Walmart. The next day, I got up early and went to 2 Walmarts before work with no luck. My only option was to go online and commit to the ridiculous shipping fees because Price & I had to try it. IMMEDIATELY!

Waiting for them to arrive was a test on the patience I already do not have. As soon as I opened a package, it was love at first bite. Price didn't like it as much...he prefers the original. This just means more for me!

And how cute is it that Reese's released white chocolate hearts for Valentine's Day?! Of course I had to get a bag. 

My mom also surprised us with the cutest Valentine's Day cupcakes last week. I had experienced a pretty crappy day at work, and when I walked in she showed me and I immediately squealed. And then later that night, Rae told me she was making her homemade caramel and bringing some in for me. How lucky am I?! 

And then there's this heavenly candle I bought from Target. Needing a quick escape from work one day, Caren and I headed there for lunch. Caren selected this scent for me and it immediately relaxed me after a long day. This will become a staple. 
Let's just say some times it's the little things (albeit sweets) that make this girl smile the most. 



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