3 Year Blogiversary

Wow! I cannot believe it has been 3 years since I started Stilettos with my Latte. I suppose I should celebrate, even though I allowed it to fizzle. My creative spark needs to be reignited. Outside of work, I have not composed anything. I had to take a step back to determine if the core essence of who I am was beginning to change. Maybe I was deterring away from my passion of both reading & writing - because I have not engaged in too many books either.

My friends were beginning to worry - how could I suddenly let go of something that has always defined who I am. Without questioning me (because we all know how I hate being questioned), they began to send me positive affirmations and different outlets on how I could begin to delve back into my creative side outside of work. And for that I am thankful.

I have come to realize I have just been living life and attempting to maneuver through it's storms. It has been a crazy year thus far - lots of ups and downs for me, my family, and my friends. But they all serve to make us stronger even though we may question the purpose behind some happenings. Some things just aren't meant for us to understand. 

But Happy Blogiversary to my darling baby, Stilettos With My Latte. I think she needs a makeover. Maybe I should work on it. 

I hope you are all enjoying your summer. I'll be back soon. I promise. XOXO



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