Friend or Foe

What if I told you on Friday night I attended a Girl Scouts closing ceremony? Or if I further disclosed I was a Girl Scout for over 10 years - and you know what?! I am still friends today with many of the women I met when we were just Brownie/Juniors.

A bunch of old scouts went to the closing ceremony and we spoke to the current scouts. They were hilarious and so cute and made me feel so old. They were very mannerly too (one even told me I had a pretty smile - awwwwwwwww) - I was impressed and they told hilarious stories of what they did this past year which included an anecdote "friend or foe" - I am now all ready to volunteer and help Mrs. Sylvia with her troops. I am sure it will be lots of fun again and I would love helping to shape and mold some younger girls (outside of my family).

Mrs. Sylvia afforded us so many opportunities when we were younger. Our parents were comfortable for us to go on many trips with our friends and we had freedom to explore the areas by ourselves. Something our parents wouldn't allow regularly - I must admit the first few times I was pretty home sick and would cry - BUT with Mrs. Sylvia's hugs; Najah, Charesse, and Alicia assuring me I would be ok; and the older girls Ilia, Renee, Tyesha, and "Cat Wilson" taking on an older sister role I soon became accustomed to being away from home and would look forward to our trips. These times helped build my confidence and leadership abilities because I remembered how I once felt & I wanted the new girls to feel welcomed. I also began to learn the fundamentals of cooking, baking, and I learned how to change diapers/ spoil nurture her grandbabies who came on trips with us.

There are not enough kind words I can offer Mrs. Sylvia, but I hope she knows how much I appreciate everything she did for us. And for the life of me I cannot understand why we all were so against the trips to London and Mexico - I think it was the spoiled part of me - I was so focused on just having fun, I did not want to do community service. I am proud to see how far I have come since then.

It seemed to be a weekend of old friends for me because I hung out with my first childhood best friend, Angie on Saturday - we lived across the street from each other and have the same birthday. We went shopping at Cherry Hill Mall and then I finally tried Philly Flavors - my first time having waffles and icecream was delicious! BUT this will not become a habit - I have a mission. Please refer to What Color?! 

AND Price went out with his daddy yesterday afternoon - check out who was playing tag at 10:45pm because someone allowed a LATE nap.

Price is looking at his Papi who was playing too

To top my weekend off was a relaxing Father's Day - we were supposed to go to Water Works for brunch, but my dad wanted pancakes and their menu were not displaying any - so I decided to just cook. On the menu: pancakes, french toast (since Collin doesn't like pancakes), bacon, and sausage. The best part about Father's Day is my mom often times shares in the cooking and she made dinner. All I had to do was make the macaroni and cheese (being as though I forgot to put macaroni noodles on the shopping list when we ran out OR we threw away the shopping list that had it listed and there were no noodles here when she was ready to cook), can you believe she made 2 different types of whole chicken?! Rotisserie and oven stuffed. Nom nom nom.

I hope you all had a great weekend too - time to watch some Sunday night tv and maybe pick up a book



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