Dear Summer...

and with the blink of an eye, the unofficial end of summer is here and it brings with it the summer like temps and humidity. It also takes away my summer hours, which means I am now back to 40 hour work weeks with no day off in sight until October. Yikes!

This summer was definitely a whirlwind filled with some special moments to say the least. Oh the memories.

Mine was a moment I will always cherish...the vivid memory hit me last week (again - like I don't constantly replay it in my head...over and over and over again) while on the phone with Andriece driving home from work...she nonchalantly asks what's a kiss??? My first reaction was to laugh because ummmm...I think she was attempting to fool me and herself since we happen to share the same ideology when it comes to kissing someone. A kiss is the most intimate way I express myself to a partner - the transference of energy and passion and other emotions I tend to keep bottled up. A kiss has the potential to be everything.

And the person I shared those stolen moments with on that perfect Friday night in June - thank you. Siempre estaras en mi corazon.

What was your favorite memory this summer?



  1. I just love your blog! Came across it one day and haven't left since. My favorite memory this summer has yet to occur , but the summer isn't over yet . Fingers crossed .

    1. Thank you - did you ever have that special moment this summer?


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