Be Still...

and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10

Have you ever been in a mood; stressed to what you feel is your capacity; and think it is a great idea to put up a caution sign to warn others to take heed before they begin any interactions with you???

It seems as of late, I am easily aggravated which can escalate to me going on one of my infamous rants. (I suppose I should say thank you to those who allow me to just vent, unfiltered.) And then as I am driving I encounter something like this -

What a gorgeous sunset!
and I suddenly remember to breathe. Somehow seeing God's work on display instantly calms me. It is a reminder there is always a silver lining in the darkest cloud. And maybe just maybe, I should exhibit more patience because this too shall pass. 

Then I stumbled upon this while reading The Sound of Glass: It is in the darkness that we find light...we all tumbled about by the waves of life, earning scars that show where we've been and we learn. With each scar we learn. With etched faces we turn towards the light, unbending and unbreakable, strong at the broken places. 

Here's to a great weekend of being still, going with the flow, and learning. 



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