Between the Covers

I first mentioned Between the Covers here, but I didn't go into much detail. Last year I read over 100 books, why do I put crazy goals on myself - although I read all of these books, I noticed a few things. I had no one to engage in conversations about most of these books with - thanks Amber for all the dialogue we had, if it wasn't for you I would have had NONE - and I tend to pick books from the same genre and authors I have grown to love.

I wanted to expand my horizons a bit and thought reviving our book club was the way to go. I gauged feedback from multiple women and they seemed interested too. Hence the birth of Between the Covers. (Don't you just love the name?! Thanks Andrea for the suggestion!) Our first read is Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I cannot wait to hear what others thought about this book.

Perusing twitter and facebook, I discovered both Necole Bitchie and Essence Magazine were doing book clubs this year as well - must be a popular trend for 2013. Guess who joined both?! The Bitchie Book Club will be hosted on facebook. They are reading The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. Essence Magazine's book club dialogue will be on twitter by using the hashtag #ESSENCEBooks. They are reading Kimberla Lawson Roby's latest release The Perfect Marriage, which was already on my reading list.

Infidel and The Dream Giver are definitely not books I would typically pick. I am looking forward to exploring new genres with both familiar and different people. Happy reading folks!



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