Guest Blogger (Lauren) - Be True to Yourself

I must admit Lauren submit her blog to me 11 days before Christmas and I never found time to write her introduction...then I realized her birthday was coming up so I decided to hold off on posting her entry. Lauren is one of my friends I have had around the longest. We met when I was 10 years old when I moved into my current home. I had just came back from the emergency room on moving day (long story) and I was outside being sad because my perfect life was ruined. (what can I say?! I have always been a tad bit dramatic.) Lauren walked up the street and introduced herself to me and just like that we were friends. She would make sure to include me when she did things with Jennifer and Merranda. Lauren always made sure I never felt like the new kid on the block or an outsider and for that I am grateful. It is also through Lauren I was introduced to the early ratchet songs. When we stopped hanging out so frequently, I became out of touch with music outside of my preferences. Today she turns 31, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lauren. I wish you the attainment of the deepest desires of your heart. And although you now live many miles away, I am always a phone call, email, skype or face time date away. XOXOXO
So I have been getting a a request from Holly to write this guest blog for about 11 months now. I really did have intentions of posting much sooner but I think the older you get, the busier you become. I always say "Sometimes, life just gets in the way", and I think everything possible tried to get in my way this year. I have been hit with many many life lessons, and an abundance of blessings. To make a long story short...the next time I go to church I'll definitely have a testimony to share!  

I've always been a kid at heart. I'm an incredibly silly person. I believe life should be full of laughs, smiles, and crazy dances whenever you take a bite of something good to eat.  But I must admit 30 has taught me how to GROW UP, and fast. I learned that I am too old to go clubbing every night and I couldn't do it if I tried. I no longer have the ability or the capability to stay up late because my alarm goes off 7 days a week at 4:30 in the morning;  and this alarm clock doesn't have a snooze button. It has a stinky diaper and a cry that will wake the whole house. I learned you have to laugh through the tears and fight with the pain, and although today may be a bad day, there is always a chance to make tomorrow better.

However, my most valuable lesson is this:  Never settle & continually reinvent yourself. Do what makes you happy, and do what is best for you. Period.  Every now and then considering the opinions and feelings of others is acceptable but essentially, it's YOUR life and no one has to live it but you.  Really simple instructions.  You're probably thinking "that's it?"and I'm thinking in response to you, "Yup, that's it." Quite frankly, it took me a long time to realize this and it's something I have to practice daily.  Lets face it, when you have a family of your own, putting yourself first all the time isn't always possible (and it's selfish if you try). However, I've discovered that taking time to get away from the stress of the world is important for my own sanity.  I go for peaceful drives and strolls, I stay up late when everyone is asleep so I can read, and sing loud whenever the impulse arrives. I showcase my dorky personality and don't care what anyone has  to say about it because that's what makes me, ME.  It makes me happy and that's what counts. And if that's all it takes to make me a happy almost 31 year old then I think I am doing pretty damned good. 

Love ya Holly thank u for giving me the honor.



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