Dive Into 35

As I lay here with my lavender lemonade candle burning, and the rain pouring from Hurricane Nate outside (do yall remember Nate - he sure was a hurricane) - I cannot help but to beam from my grateful heart.

Thankful for the people in my life who surround, support, and push me outside of my comfort zones; thankful for everybody who took the time to acknowledge my holly day because you know IT IS A BIG DEAL.

And the takeover?! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I laughed hard, teared up, and felt an overwhelming sense of pride for both Drea and I. We have come so far over the years.

As I dive head first into 35, I will continue this series...just not committing to posting EVERY day. There are still topics on my list to address and guest bloggers who want to contibute. I am more than certain you all want to know what I DID to celebrate my birthday. And of course, the birthday behavior will continue throughout Libra season...we have only just begun.



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