Takeover Finale

It's only right that I end today's takeover at 10:08 in honor of Holly Day. Still can't believe she let me do this. I mean, she handed over the login and password y'all. And she didn't peek, not once, nor did she ask to see anything before I hit publish. She's so gutsy. Just one of the things I admire about her. 

But in all seriousness, there's a lot to admire about Holly. Her friendship is something I've come to rely on and to value. If you all could see the amount of text messages that are sent throughout the day. Work, events, fashion, social media, branding ourselves, conquering our goals, dismantling our fears. You name it, it's in there. And most times this is all before 9 AM! 

Before I go, there's one last thank you I owe Holly if you'll bear with me for just one more short story. 

I consider myself a budding entrepreneur. This year, in particular, I've seen business opportunities and doors opened to me that I couldn't have seen coming. But apparently, you know who did! I will NEVER forget a text thread we shared where I was telling Holly how nervous I was about some client work that had come my way. It was in February just before my birthday and Holly was encouraging me as she always does, telling me things like, "You got this!" and "You're going to be great!" Then she said something that still gives me chills each time I think about it. She told me that not only was it my time, but that my 35th birthday would mark the beginning of me walking into my purpose.

Now, I'm not one for prophesies and fortune tellers, but don't you know it was on my actual birthday that I had one of the biggest moments of my life as an independent consultant? I couldn't -- and still can't -- believe it! 

So, Holly, THANK YOU! That boost of confidence has stuck with me all year long as I really got serious about my consulting business and doing what I've always wanted to do; pursue entrepreneurship

Thank you for who you are and what you are to me and to others. HAPPY 35TH BIRTHDAY and may God continue to bless you as you Dive Into 35!

Love always,



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