Happily Never After

Last week on facebook I came across a crush I had in elementary school - you know the guy you just pictured your perfect fairy tale (at that age) - you would scribble his name in secret on little pieces of paper with yours and a heart - you would play house together with dolls at recess - you get the point. Well, time has not been good to him and I honestly breathed a sigh of relief. 

And then there are the infamous ex-boyfriends who decide to pop up every now and again - social media makes you easily accessible by anyone - and it is such a pain - the only thing I hear now in my head when I get these infamous messages, texts, or emails is - Thank God you blew it, Thank God I dodged a bullet - I'm so over you, so baby good looking out. I wanted you bad, I'm so through with that, cause honestly you turned  out to be the best thing I never had...

It is funny how so many times, we know exactly what it is we think we want - we think we have found it and then after we take our "blinders" off, we are trying to figure out what we were thinking...or why we were settling for less than what we deserve - regardless of the situation or what happened, we must remember everything we go through is a learning experience and it helps develop our character. Although we may have wasted time, we cannot remain bitter for things or people we encounter - we are stronger because of the things we have endured - it is these things that help make us who we are. 

And when you start thinking about the nasty little thing called revenge, just remember what goes around, comes back around my baby



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