First Dates - Single in the City

Let's admit it - first dates are pretty awkward - as a woman first things first, what to wear?! Depending on what we are doing, I always go back and forth between heels, wedges, or gladiators - I don't want to appear standoffish by my appearance - and I do want to give the impression I am willing to let my hair down and have some fun and let's be real if I am wearing 5 inch heels, we definitely won't be running around having a lot of fun (cause damage to my shoes?!?! yeah right!). I have learned if I opt for heels, I always have a pair of flats on standby in case our plans change or vice versa - sticking with my Girl Scouts motto "always be prepared".

Now comes the debate: what to do! Personally, I do NOT like going to the movies or dinner for a first date - in the movies, we cannot engage in conversation and dinner is TOO long of a commitment of my time upfront. I am still unsure of our chemistry and I don't want to have to sit through an awkward dinner impatiently waiting for the date to be over if I do not like you. I also appreciate when the man offers suggestions or decides what we are doing - I make enough decisions on a daily basis, I enjoy when all I have to do is get dressed and meet you at our destination of choice. That's another thing - I always drive myself to first dates. No need in someone knowing where you live if their first will also become their last date, right?!

I've also been told when on a date I am to treat my phone like I am on a interview (by Shana of course) - in my bag, untouched, and on silent. *screaming* I am almost always touching my phone in some capacity - this is hard, but I can do it - especially if I am captivated by my company. Entertain me fellas! I kid, I kid...general rule of thumb guys, if while you are trying to interact with me I am fully engaged on my phone - I AM NOT INTERESTED!!! I am well aware it is rude and at this point, I don't care and I am plotting my escape, expeditiously in fact.

Let's talk about the bad - months ago this guy text me to ask me on a date the following week (first mistake, he should have called to ask me out) - I gave him my availability and he told me he would let me know what day worked best for him - he never followed up so we didn't go out. *shrugs* I didn't really care either way - last week he text me and said I always stood him up (one time he suggested I meet him at the Chester casinos so he can chaperone his niece on a date - I declined - in my book that is NOT standing someone up) - I politely screen shot our last convo (oh how I love iphones), sent it to him, and told him he never contacted me in regards to the date which translated to me he wasn't too interested in going. He replies, I should have contacted him again, if he never got back to me. Excuse me sir, NO, that would have NEVER happened, I am not chasing you for a date you inquired about and NO, your Bentley does not impress me - I basically told you what days were good for me, if taking me on a date was a priority to you, then you would have let me know when you wanted to go.  End of story. He wanted to go back and forth in regards to it - there was no need - he won't be going on a date with me. EVER.

Now let's mix some good in with the bad. I experienced the perfect first date this summer. Unbeknownst to the man, he suggested we go to one of my fave local places - Bredenbeck's (but not the bakery, we went to the ice cream parlor next door). We then walked to Jenks and sat there, talked for a bit while eating ice cream. What made this date perfect??? I was comfortable the entire time - the guy wasn't pretentious, had a sense of humor, and made me laugh. Laughing is always a great thing in my book. He made the date location convenient to me since it is literally less than 10 minutes driving from my house. Also, he was a gentleman - he walked on the outside of me when we walked down the street and although our cars were parked near each other, he still walked me to my car and made sure I got in before going to his own. See?! It's the little things that impress me the most and this means chivalry is NOT dead. He could definitely get another date.

Have you ever experienced the perfect first date? What did you do?  



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