Birthday Cake

I am not sure if you know, but my birthday IS a pretty big deal. I put lots of thought into how I want to celebrate every year, and as a part of the process I select a birthday cake. I usually have it all planned and picked out by September 8 - exactly one month before mine. I try to vary every year between home made and bakery to give my mom a break - and as of late I have not had any repeats.

The year I turned 24, I craved a pineapple upside down cake and my mom made it for me. I didn't live home at the time - so I took it with me to my apartment. With my significant other. Now with my family, we have rules for birthday cake. The person in whom which the cake is intended a) cuts the cake b) gets the last piece of cake, unless you get PERMISSION. NO EXCEPTIONS!

The person in which I lived must have not been privy to these rules. He had a nasty habit which gave him the munchies. DISGUSTING! I woke up one morning to go get my LAST piece of cake to take to work for breakfast, my mouth was watering for it, and what do I find?! AN EMPTY AND DIRTY cake dish. Talk about war! I was on fire and I let him know about himself - and do you know he had the audacity to call me selfish?! Ummmm NO - you had a few pieces of MY cake - I shared with you, but where do you get off eating MY last piece?! Furthermore, you did NOT know my mother was making me a cake - did you even think to get me a cupcake?! NO! So you are lucky I even shared with you to begin with - after all, it was MY birthday and MY cake. And why didn't he wash the dish?! Since he was inconsiderate, that was the least he could do, right?!

This also trickles over to leftovers - how do you feel about someone eating your leftovers in the fridge WITHOUT your permission?! I hate going to get something and it turns up missing - me and my brother used to fight about this all the time, but it has gotten better.

Is my family the only one who has this rule? Or is it considered common courtesy?



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