A Steele for Christmas - Good Read

I have previously stated I love almost everything Brenda Jackson writes - A Steele for Christmas was no different. I really enjoyed getting caught up with the Steele family for 3 hours last night.

At the end of my relationships (we will delve deeper into these SOON), once I am OVER everything, I often time realize I wasn't really heartbroken - my pride is what is damaged, which is what ignites my anger and frustrations - first with the man and then with MYSELF.

In A Steele for Christmas, Stacey was battling this very fact - when your pride is damaged, how do you move on to the next man giving him what he deserves from you as a woman without being completely guarded from past experiences??? I personally find the more I date (we have to talk about this too - and my lack thereof - or my just not knowing how to) - and the older I get - the easier it is to move on to the next man when he presents himself.

When I was younger, I felt like I would never get over the absolution of a relationship - how could I go on with just me? Why should I be lonely? Who was going to do all the things I wanted to do with me? Who would I date? When I hung out with my friends who were in relationships and they bought significant others would I feel like the third wheel?

I finally dug deep within myself and realized I did NOT need a man to accompany me to do these things - I did not need him as a crutch because I was good enough to do these things by myself. This was my time to date me and discover what it is I wanted out of life without having to worry about taking into account someone else's thoughts or how it would impact them. Yes, I could now be selfish and only love me. And I was completely content with that.



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