Game On

Last night was the much anticipated season premiere of The Game - what did you guys think?! Was it worth the wait???

My personal thoughts on the episode:

  • I do not like how they rush through so many scenes - they need to take their time and allow for proper story development. Although the same writers moved with them to BET, the show definitely isn't of the same caliber from the CW days. 
  • I HATE how they aged Brit Brat. She is now a teenager kissing a boy in front of her father! I am 29 years old and I wouldn't even dare kiss a man in front of my daddy - unless it was followed by the exchange of vows - and even then, I am pretty sure I would NOT tongue down the man. Have some respect young lady. 
  • And then there is the whole Janay issue - Janay is the character Amber loves to hate (I crack up at all her ideas to write in to get her OFF the show) - there is NO way Derwin would have hosted his son's bday party at my house AND invite his child's mother AND have me do all the work - nope, too tough of a pill to swallow when Janay gives her no water - especially when they wanted a picture of just mommy and daddy with the birthday boy and "mommy" told me to go get the cupcakes ready. WHAT?! You will not try to run things in OUR home - nope, not at all! 
  • Last but not least, the whole abortion issue - Derwin had no right to be mad - if they were not together, it was not his business, therefore Melanie did NOT have to divulge that information and NO I do not view it as lying by omission. 
And yes, I do realize I did not comment on Jason, Tasha, or Malik - I just hope these characters contribute something to the show this season outside of the stereotypical out of control, entitled athlete and the "ghetto" black woman (I still cannot believe Tasha was smoking black and milds last season!!!). 

One thing is for sure, I will be turned in for the rest of the season along with Amber's text messages and my twitter feed. It makes for the perfect Tuesday date night.  



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