Flirting With 30

In less than 8 months *insert screams here*, I will enter into a new chapter of my life. I am leaving my 20s behind and walking into a world of the unknown - Flirty Thirty. It is no secret how anxious I am about this transition and not sure what to expect.

In order to better prepare myself, I have decided to feature guest bloggers on Stilettos With My Latte. I have asked women who I both admire and I find inspirational to write posts in regards to different aspects of their own entrance into this new phase of life. I have also reached out to my fellow peers since they are going through this with me as well.

Life is a learning process and I have discovered I cannot learn everything on my own - other people's experiences can be influential too and offer life lessons. I am excited to see what everyone shares. Hopefully these posts will provoke discussions which will help us become more comfortable turning 30.

If you are interested in contributing to Flirting With 30, feel free to contact me at



  1. Of course I want to contribute. Thanks for asking. Will also be willing to answer any questions that anyone is pondering? Aunt T.


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