To My Daddy With Love

Everybody claims their daddies are the best, but I know for a fact you are simply superb and cannot be outdone. 

Thank you for showing me by example what I should accept and expect in any relationship with a man - you exemplify the meaning behind to protect and provide - I always find comfort and solitude being in your home because I know without a doubt they have to get through you in order to get to me. 

Thank you for providing unconditional love and still allowing me to crawl up in your lap and lay on your chest for a little while. Thank you for the constant support, listening ear, and advice. 

Thank you for being my partner in crime at Bredenbeck's. I don't know what I would do some days without that sweet indulgence. 

Thank you for teaching me what self respect was and to demand it from people I encounter in life.

Thank you for stressing the fact you can get your point across without cursing even when you are angry and for insisting I act like a lady because a quiet tongue turns away wrath and shows a wise head. 

Ultimately, thank you for shaping the woman I have become today. I love you. 



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