Dive In

Now I know you all know I have been in my own little world soaking up Tremaine's latest album - I really like Chapter V (surprised?!)  - cannot figure out if I like this album more than Passion Pain and Pleasure - but this has definitely been added to my line up for driving music. Still disappointed none of us won tickets to his listening party last week - so close, yet still so far. For the record, I am totally not opposed to receiving him as a gift for my birthday...in case any of you were wondering what to get me.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why Tamia is such an under rated artist. I have loved every album of hers and she definitely did not disappoint with her latest cd Beautiful Surprise. She evoked emotion like she is known to do - and there are songs on this album we as women can relate to - I love how it always seems like she is reading my journal as she sings. My faves thus far are Believe in Love, Love I'm Yours, Is It Over Yet, and Him.

Can I get a refilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - I know, I know many of you are sick and tired of that song, but yet I still love it and I actually love Elle Varner's debut album Perfectly Imperfect. I listened to it straight through and my attention never waned - you know that is saying a lot for me.



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