Make a Wish

Remember this...

After I blew out the candle on my bday, Jeannette proclaimed "did you make a wish" - of course I did and as a matter of fact, I made a few! And guess what?! Two of my wishes have already come true.

Guess who found their diamond earring Friday night?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! Yup! That would be me! Imagine how I ran through this house dancing and so excited, finally exhaling I didn't have to constantly inspect every crevice hoping it would pop up. 

And on the same night, I just happened to check the mail (I never do this after work - my priorities are shower, tv, dinner, and maybe even wine in no particular order). In any event, I glanced at the counter and noticed an envelope from my best friend...check it out - 

It was dated the day after my bday, maybe this is Kelly's bday gift to me - especially since I particularly stated it was my 30th bday and I would have loved to be in the audience on my bday. I did not pick Halloween as a day to go - they gave me the date and luckily for me, Wednesday is my day off!!!! Now yall know how much I love NYC anddddddddddd I get to do something I have never done as an adult as well - dress up for Halloween. Which led to this madness...

Can you guess what I am dressing up as?! THANKS Shana for the idea and Andriece for putting up with my endless pictures and questions as I gathered supplies

I hear NYC knows how to do Halloween proper - I cannot wait to find out...excited to take another bite out of the big apple and this time with my girls. Jeannette, are you ready?!

*whispering* I hope the rain stays AWAY this time!!!



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