2012's Reflection

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a year!!! As I sit here sipping this wine, I contemplate where to begin?! 

Ok, ok, ok - let's start with evaluating my vision board and goals - those accomplished and some I am still working on. As I reviewed everything, I was content with my progress. I have strengthened relationships with both family and friends - met new people - went on a few dates - stepped out of my box and tried new things - I started doing things I wanted to do for me, you know stop saying what I want to do and actually put my desires into action.  I must say I have been having a lot of fun reinventing myself. Well, I am still me - just a tad bit more adventurous (although Jeannette and Shana are standing here ready to throw me in the deep end, good thing I learned how to tread water at a young age. Ha) and learning to be more spontaneous (you know living life without everything planned). AND last but not least I got a job. It may not be a career position, but it is a start.

Materialistic goals I did not accomplish were based around not having the money to do so - however, I still have my eye on what it is I wanted and I am definitely saving for these things. A girl always has to have a wish list to treat herself with nice gifts from time to time. After all, I am worth it. And these are things I want to buy for myself. 

On my vision board, there was one thing that screamed at me that has yet to be attained - and that is love and romance. Last year this time I may have experienced a mild case of trepidation (still), but I must say after the endless (and sometimes hilarious) chats with my girlfriends I am more than ready. I feel a new found confidence - not that I lacked it before - but you know how past experiences have you skeptical...yeah that. Now I am more open than before and willing to plunge head first instead of constantly putting my feet in to test the water. As a testament to what I am looking for I now wear my love on my arm in the form of my dainty bracelet I gifted myself for Christmas. 

Isn't it cute?! 
I am excited to see what the new year brings - my motto will simply remain: Live. Laugh. Love. Here's to those who enhance my life and share these experiences with me. I appreciate you. 

And I leave you with this: I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny. Coco Chanel

Happy New Year! XOXO



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