Who am I now?

That's one secret I will never tell. XOXO Gossip Girl

Today marks the second Monday I will encounter knowing Gossip Girl is over...FOREVER. My hopes for a movie were doused when they showed what happened 5 years later at Dan & Serena's wedding. Speaking of which, Jeannette would like to know why it took them five MORE years to get married (even though this would only put them at 25, 26).

Can we say disappointed?! I expected so much more from the finale. Although I appreciated the hour look back on the series, I would have preferred a 2 hour scripted finale and maybe the review the week prior. Yet I still cannot put my finger on what was missing. I definitely wanted Chuck and Blair to marry. That happened and they even had a son, Henry. Nate still had no real purpose - I needed them to show him in a fulfilling relationship not being used or played - BUT they have him running for mayor. Seriously?! Politics would crush him. Lily with William?! Rufus and Lisa Loeb?! Huh?! What?! As much as I hated Georgina she was likable in this last episode. I still love Jenny.

Now let's deal with the elephant in the room - WHO IS GOSSIP GIRL?! Let me start off by saying, I would love to get him in a room on a table with wax and hair removal strips. Every damn week it grated my nerves how he would wear v neck shirts and have all that chest hair. It's inhumane. Sheesh lonely boy! Do you have something against manscaping?! I promise you would fit into their world so much easier if you would succumb to it. *steps off soapbox and moving on* YES, Dan was Gossip Girl - he wasn't born into this world, but maybe he could write himself into it. It was apparent, yet I still think it's weird - my first issue is a man conveying the exact tone a teenaged girl would use when gossiping. And my other problem was the fact he put on a facade for 6 seasons how he never wanted to be a part of that world, yet all along that is exactly what he desired. So Dan who the hell are you really???? What is it that you really wanted? Was Serena your consolation prize since Blair was with her beloved? You have some explaining to do. I am waiting!!!

And what never ceases to amaze me as I watch this show - the fashion. Kudos Eric Daman. I have always had a thing for Blair's head bands. Check out these wedding dresses. GORGEOUS is an understatement.

This is how I will remember Gossip Girl
Now that it's over, what do you think? Satisfied with the ending or left wanting more? I am greedy - I need more. I must grab the complete box set of this series once it is released and put it on my shelf next to another classic, Sex and the City. Girls night anyone???



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