Basking in the Aroma

Dear Starbucks,

I apologize in advance, but I had to give you up for 40 days. I must say I was suffering from severe withdraw and was doubtful I would make it (especially when work is a nightmare EVERY Monday morning).

I know I am supposed to pray more and focus on the spiritual meaning of Lent, but every morning I wondered how I was going to make it without you. Totally defeating the purpose of my sacrifice.

Alas, I was online last night and saw you made a white hot chocolate. I was determined to NOT hit snooze so I could grab me a grande. I DID hit snooze yet I managed to get out the door within 20 minutes of getting out of bed praying traffic would be light.

It must have been my lucky day as I pulled into your parking lot before 8:10. I wanted to Harlem Shake into your store unable to contain my excitement about smelling the heavenly aroma of coffee. Ahhhhhhh! I could have stayed there forever, but I had 20 minutes to get to work. I quickly ordered my drink and I must say it was love at first sip.

I should know by now you would never fail me. I just want to show my gratitude for saving my morning...yet again.

Your Loyal Addicted Customer

Nail Polish is OPI's Euro Centrale Collection



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