Auntie Chronicles

My brother finished his busy season and now he wants to get firm with the kid by implementing an earlier bed time, making him sleep in his own bed, and being more strict with potty training. Not to mention I suggested most of these changes before he turned 1 and he was almost potty trained before busy season, but every party has to be on one accord, right?! Now he absolutely refuses to poop on the potty and just started telling me when he has to pee - and in regards to bedtime, it can be a nightmare. He goes to bed willingly, but he expects to lay in bed with someone or to lay in my bed if I am around. I don't have to even be in my bed with him, I can still leave the room, but he needs the security of being in there.

The other night I felt like the WORSE AUNTIE ever. We read stories and I told him he was going to bed - he tells me in my bed - I told him no, in Pricey's bed - I put the covers on him and turn off the light - and then starts the drama. He vehemently suggested I lay down too. I left the room and then all I heard was him screaming Auntie, Auntie, Auntie. I ignored him. My dad then came upstairs - and he settled down for maybe 5 minutes. I think he was figuring out a master plan - next thing I know I heard the door open, the pitter patter of little feet, and he jumped in my bed so fast and kept moving my pillows to get under my covers. And then he was sleep - after peeking to make sure I did not carry him back to the other bed.

Auntie, Price night night right here, in Auntie bed - how can I kick him out after he fully articulated what he wanted??? 

At this point, I was over it - and felt so mean. He was obviously tired and I decided I will not be implementing this change. His parents can feel free to do it and then I will follow suit, but I will not be the one going through the torture of breaking this habit of co-sleeping. 

And to make up for me being the "mean auntie" after school we did his favorite things which included french fries, a milkshake, his new SWAT car, and his tricycle. I think I am forgiven.  



  1. Hence why Alaysia has the cutest canopy Fairies bed(will send you a picture later) that she absolutely refuses to sleep in. so don't feel bad you aren't alone in this endeavor

  2. Hence why Alaysia has the cutest canopy Fairies bed(will send you a picture later) that she absolutely refuses to sleep in. so don't feel bad you aren't alone in this endeavor


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