
to the song here in my heart. A melody I start, but can't complete...

I don't know about you, but every time I have an interview I begin to feel anxious - no matter how much research and preparation I do, I KNOW anxiety is a guarantee. My friends are pretty used to this and if they know I am interviewing, they always begin to send reassuring words my way or things to make me laugh and loosen up. I appreciate it.

I also have my own thing - I listen to Beyonce - I start off with uptempo songs like Love on Top and Single Ladies. I then transition to Dance for You - something about that song makes me really appreciate being a woman. And the last song which results in me being in full concert mode belting the lyrics (appreciating the skill Beyonce has because this song hurts my throat after awhile) and feeling even more confident is Listen. The lyrics empower me to face my fears in all aspects of life.

Just some interview prep pre-concert. LOL! Just joking - thought it was funny when Janae suggested I take a small sip
Skype interview is now complete and dinner is already prepped - trying to relax a bit before the kid comes trying to boss me around. *cues music* (I will let you all guess which artist)



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