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Imagine a football season plagued with injuries, suspensions, stupid penalties, and overall a team scrambling to find their groove. THEN imagine not going to the playoffs (let that sink in - still not used to this feeling). And as soon as your coach leaves the podium after the last game, the owner sends out a statement announcing the mutual decision for the coach NOT to come back. Of course, this is after his Thanksgiving day tweet when he verbally attacked the team PUBLICLY. So you decide to watch some of the playoffs and you see this - your coach in another team's apparel. DAGGER THROUGH MY HEART. Then I realize, this really isn't a dream and my beloved 49ers need some major restructuring. First things first, can we get a new owner??? PLEASE! However the problem still remains - who am I supposed to root for now?! Definitely not ready to give football up for the year BUT my heart is no longer in it. 



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