The Longest Ride

Let's start with a moment of silence for the sexiness that is Scott Eastwood. I don't know about you, but I need to see him in more movies. He provided great eye candy as Maya and I settled in at a dine-in theater to check out Nicholas Sparks' latest release. She may be one of the few people I can drag to a chick flick and she actually enjoys it as much as I do. Needless to say, this was a great movie if you like this type.

However, there was one line that resonated deep within me and led to some reflection -

Love requires sacrifice. Always. 

Could it be I am not willing to sacrifice enough which is why I am still single? Pride and ego...are these 2 things hindering me the most? I don't want to become a shell of who I am making sacrifices to find love. Or this sacrifice could make me a better person overall. Who knows which way the pendulum will sway?

What are you willing to sacrifice for love? Or what did you sacrifice for love? 



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