Earned It

There is a trend I have noticed lately - an ugly sense of entitlement. As I watch TV with Price, he kindly points out how he wants everything on EVERY commercial. He thinks since we go to work, that is his in. To discredit this theory, I have since implemented a sticker reward system.

Price now has chores:

  • Make his bed
  • Put out the recyclables
  • Clean up toys every night before bed
  • Put shoes back in their shoe box
  • Help the adults with their chores when needed
He gets a sticker for every task he completes. Bad behavior, having to ask him to do something more than once, or crying when he has to get ready for bed results in him losing a sticker. And when he gets an agreed upon number, he is allowed to get one of the toys he requested. He has also been told for the new toys he gets, he must start donating old toys to children who are not as fortunate as him.

Rach & Pat have taken it a step further. Their daughter Sienna wanted some new Shopkins. She had to work to earn money to buy her new toys. And she decided to sell lemonade. Pat even went as far as to build her an official stand for her budding business. As soon as I saw it on Instagram, I jumped in my car to support the cause. After all, lemonade is one of my favorites too and who could resist these adorable smiles?!

Sienna's sister Mia helping her work her stand - how cute is this?!
I am sure Sienna reached her goal in less than 40 minutes and will soon be playing with her new Shopkins.

The lesson here is simple. We must work to earn what we want out of life and NOTHING is ever owed to us. 



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