Is the Popecation Over Already?! what does one do when the city is locked down for Pope Francis' visit?! Let me count the ways...

Attempt to beat the traffic due to road closures...hmmmm...roads were a ghost town all weekend and I could get used to this. Ideally once a month when I run my errands sounds practical.

Bake cookies with Pricey since he told my parents he was going to make them some for celebrating their 31st Wedding Anniversary on the 22nd - he also made them dance together (because in his eyes this is what married people do), so of course they had him join. How sweet is this kid?!

Since it is officially Libra season, some online shopping was on the agenda...along with dinner out with my mom & the kid...with a stop at a playground on the way home to explore it after dark...

This new haircut makes me silently weep...why should I have to condition my nephew's hair?! Also, it makes him look so much older! He will be FIVE in 4 months. WHERE did the years go?! 
Saturday may have been the best day ever. I NEVER got dressed, cooked breakfast, took a nap, read a book, and watched the Pope coverage.

Sunday, I slept until 11am. Then my mom & I ventured out to the new Movie Tavern to see The Intern (pretty good); came home to watch Wild (ehhhh); engaged in more Pope Coverage and even had a few sightings of my father on tv; did a mani/pedi; and finally settled in for some Sunday night TV.

What I must say...this was the most relaxing weekend I have had in months. I would love to do this for a few more days, but of course my job is one of the few who opted not to close.

Seems like my dad was working too, huh?! 
So what did we learn from the Pope's visit to Philadelphia???? Always look people in the eyes when engaging with them - what they have to say is important to them, therefore it should be important to you; always remain thankful; attempt to encompass a gratuitous spirit and help those less fortunate than you without demeaning them in the process; and no matter what personal battles you are going through or how tired you are, always remember to smile. Your smile could brighten someone's day.

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12



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