Still Falling

I must admit...I have been experiencing a horrible case of auntie guilt lately. I have been busy and not able to spend enough one on one time with Pricey...and he notices. I think me blogging while he watches tv could be considered time, but now he questions why I am still working when we are supposed to be watching Alvin & the Chipmunks. He is a good reminder that sometimes I need to just unplug and be still.

It is no secret how much we love Linvilla Orchards during Libra season. Since August, he has been inquiring when we would go pick some apples. My response was always we have to wait to see because the weather has been horrible to us. We planned to go one Friday for the day and it rained incessantly. Then my mom was traveling, so I told him we had to wait for Mema...and you know what his response was?! Well, she vacationed without us, so why do we have to keep waiting. He is SERIOUS about taking his vacations. I don't blame him.

The weekends were getting away from us, so I decided to work extra hours all week and then once I picked him up from school we would hit the road for an adventure especially since we have dates for our birthdays every year. Price and I really know how to birthday stretch!

First on our list was apple picking since he loves some apple crisp!
While I picked up our pies, he snacked on a chocolate chunk cookie.
Time to pick our pumpkins...we ended up with FIVE. One to carve when Mema gets home and 3 to paint.
Now time for the hay ride to the witches' house...
Did you know witches give out sugar cookies?! Yum! He was captivated by the tale they spun as he ate our cookies. I hope he paid attention to their message: the more love you put out in the world, the more you will receive. And the more negativity you put out, yeah you know the rest...
But God...experiencing sunset at the orchard was breathtaking!
Our hayride dropped us off at the bonfire where we roasted marshmallows and drank apple cider. Guess who ate & drank all our treats?! At what point is there TOO much sugar?! 

And our last stop of the night...THE PLAYGROUND. I gave Price 30 minutes to run around aimlessly and I still received objections when it was time to go.
We had a great time unwinding from our week and spending uninterrupted time together (especially after my phone died) with some of our favorite things. Price wants to know how we can have bonfires at home - I told him to ask Papi to get us one since I have been asking for YEARS.

BUT now I must get up...Jeannette gets married tomorrow and we have rehearsal in less than two's almost time to Fall for the Scotts!



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