A Moment in History

Today is a time of reflection. You see, it is the First Family's last official day in the White House. Over the past few months, I have been purchasing every magazine where they had a feature on the cover. I want to hold close every keepsake to remember this moment in history.

You see, my nephew has only known an African American as our President of the United States. This is his normal. My grandfather memorialized these 8 years by purchasing the book, Yes We Can, and a collection of Obama legacy coins. We were instructed to gift these items to Price once he becomes of age.

He also coined a poignant letter to accompany his gift which reads:

Dear Price, 
You have lived at a time in the history of the United States of America, the Presidency of the First, and probably only, election of an African American man in the history of this country. 

To see that you realized the significance of this historic moment, at your early age, shows me that you have the potential to do awesome things during your lifetime. 

When you're in school, absorb as much knowledge as possible, try to excel in all your studies, and make your parents & grandparents proud of you. 

May God bless you and know that you are a much loved child. 

Love Always, 
When I read this letter and the magnitude of these words began to sink in, tears immediately sprang to my eyes. By the time Price will hold these items in his own hands, my grandfather will no longer be here with us. YET Price will always have his words to hold on to as an added push when he is feeling doubtful. I could not express my thanks enough for this gift, and of course my grandfather brushed it aside. We will cherish this small gesture always.

Saying #FarewellObama is rough to say the least. The humility and grace this family exhibited still astounds me. Tears have been a constant the past few weeks - every time I watch Uncle Joe, First Lady, or the President on tv more tears develop.  At this point, I have less than 24 hours left before his leaving is a reality and I am simply not ready for them to leave office. I guess I have to rip the band aid, huh?!

Uncle Joe, let's hang out and grab some coffee while you are working at UPenn. I think that would be a big f&*king deal.

Fist Lady, you have made us more than proud. Thank you for leading the charge for women empowerment. Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. 

Sasha & Malia - thank you for sharing your parents with the nation!

And THANK YOU Mr. President for your sacrifice you made to lead us for 8 years. Thank you for being an example - if we work hard enough, we can achieve our dreams. Although you were met with constant disrespect, you never wavered and held firm to your beliefs. The God in you is something fierce! Your work ethic is unmatchable - I am impressed at all the work you STILL did wrapping up your last Presidential term. And even with your parting words, you are still invoking the nation to become more active. My last ask is the same as my first. I'm asking you to believe-not in my ability to create change, but in yours. 

While I approach this next Presidency with trepidation, I cannot help but to feel a sense of pride in knowing the barriers we hurdled over the last 8 years. This pride will incite me to create the change our 44th President referenced.

Farewell Obama, we will miss you!



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