Guest Blogger (Erica) - Preparing for the BIG 3-0

I met Erica 17 years ago - (sheesh, saying that makes me feel old). She lived across the street from my best friend at the time and soon we would both attend the same high school. I have always thought of Erica as a little ball of fire - she is always up for having a good time. Not to mention the  much appreciated emails filled with lots of advice. 

To some, turning 30 might seem like a dreaded moment - a time to reflect on all the things you have yet to accomplish and how life is just passing you by.  That sucks.  Lucky for me, it was a time for excitement and anticipation of becoming what I considered a "real" adult and no longer a "young" adult - and I love it.  I feel like I'm truly getting better as I get older - just like fine wine - which I also love. 

I find that as I age,  I continue to learn more about myself and also about the world and it helps me to better navigate through life's obstacles, which always seem to appear.  In my career, I've become more confident, in my romantic relationships I've become more decisive, in my friendships I've become more honest, in my family I've become more loving, in my appearance I've become sexy as hell - who could ask for anything more!? :)

To prepare for 30, I wanted to make sure that I started it off right because this next decade is about to be a doozy.  I saw my 20's as being footloose and free, but I see my 30's as more of a "taming of the shrew".  I say all that to mean, I plan on settling down, having some kids and building a long-term career now that I'm a "real" adult.  So I had some things that I wanted to do before my life changes and doesn't revolve around me and me only; I call this my "Baby Bucket List".  Theoretically I can do all of these things at any point of my life, but I'd like to do them while I'm still selfish enough not to inflict pain/embarrassment/hardship on anyone else.

1. Sky dive - just in case I die, at least I won't leave behind a husband and kids
2. VEGAS!! - you can go any time, but doing certain things when you're somebody's wife or mom...I judgment -'s VEGAS
3. European tour – ugh, I'd SO love to do this and not have to worry about a babysitter - shoot, I'd really like a year to do this, but I do need to go back to work at some point - I got bills
4. Sexy calendar - alright, now I know that you can get back in shape after kids and as you age, but let's get real - it'll never be the same and I want it documented
5. Splurge on something big - "big" is relative, but I don't want to have to worry about buying someone else anything right now - it's all about me, so bring on the Birkin bags! (lol, well...maybe not, but it'll be something good

Even if I don't accomplish all of this before I'm fully "tamed", at least I have goals that I can look forward to and strive for in the meantime.  I welcome 30 with open arms and a big heart and I can't wait for the wisdom that comes from being a GROWN ASS WOMAN (I think that happens around 35 so I still have some time, LOL).



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