Guest Blogger (Maya) - 12 Years Ago

Oh Maya! My first new friend at Central - we had the same advisory (for 4 years) and then English 1 together freshman year - she helped me remember where my assigned seat was and also introduced me to new people since lots of her Masterman friends joined her. What I can say is she helped with my transition into a public school environment - it was definitely a big change for me - lots of freedom and no religion classes. Over the years we have grown closer, had our ups and downs, and although life happens - it was once comforting to know no matter what Maya was there in a time of need - ever thankful for the sounding board she provided. And today is her bday - HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY HONEY!!!! 

Wow! Where did the time go?

12 years ago, if you asked me where I would be in life, I would have responded living in NY probably some big executive at one of thelargest PR firms in the world. Let’s fast forward 12 years - I am a wife,mother of three, and an administrative assistant and I couldn’t be happier.

These past twelve years I have stressed about life and what I wanted to do and how I just simply wanted to be a great example for my threekids. I used to constantly worry about what people would say or think about me being an unwed mother at 19. And then realized that it was the 20thcentury and not a scene from a 1950’s black and white movie.

Being a young mother I have learned being silly and making funny faces is fun; laying in bed all day and watching cartoons makes you cool; and stressing over tomorrow, next week, or next year will only give youwrinkles!

At 18, I thought I had my whole life planned. Little did I know God had a whole other plan for me. And you know what, I am not mad at him at all!

I love being a mother and I love being a wife. I am finallyat a job I actually love coming into every morning.  My life at 30, I finally feelis complete. Yes, there are some things I am working on (busting my credit rating, going back to school, weight, staying in touch more often with my friends, actually picking up the phone to talk instead of texting), but you know what I am not perfect, I am only human. And I am realizing that is okay! 



  1. Aww thanks honey!!! No matter what u know I love u and will always be here for u!!! Wow I am 30 now!!! Lol Muah!

  2. This was so cute...ugh i need to get started on mine next week :)


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