Dear Future Husband,

I think Jeannette said it best I am not looking for perfection, just honesty and loyalty. How attractive you were to me when you exuded these characteristics effortlessly. But wait there's more...

You love the Lord...and your mother - you are a family man, dedicated to doing whatever it takes to ensure we stay happy. We are your priority and this is evident through your actions. Your drive, ambition, and work ethic makes me swoon - not to mention your allergies to complacency. You are always willing to lead us to accomplish our next goal. And you know what else I dig?! You value my opinion and take my thoughts into consideration - you complement me, my beliefs, and my goals - together we are a force to be reckoned with.

I may be independent, however, I am confident in being vulnerable with you and allowing you to make decisions in the best interest of our family; yet I am strong enough to step in if you need me to, always offering my support - I have no problem allowing you to be a man; after all you are my man and this means the world to me - you overcame the guards I had in place and convinced me I no longer needed my daddy as my protector and comforter because you gladly took over.

Thank you for always supporting me emotionally and mentally - knowing when I need to be held a little longer or kissed more intensely...always greeting me with an embrace and a kiss (even if sometimes it is as simple as an endearing forehead kiss). I love your affection and subsequently I always feel adored and loved.

You understand I can get a little crazy at times with my attention to details and always planning - you are assertive enough to know how to put me in my place when needed and you are appreciative in everything I do for our home, our children, and our families; even willing to lend a helping hand when you sense I am flustered. Thank you.

I love your passionate nature and the fact you are secure in who you are and our relationship. You get that I sometimes need me time and also time with my girls - you allow me my space to indulge and you don't incessantly call my phone to check and see what I am doing. You trust me and I value your implicit trust more than you could even imagine.

And of course, things are not always good - we argue and disagree, but we communicate effectively to work on our issues and we turn to prayer for guidance when we cannot immediately come to a resolution. I love that even during trying times we both remain respectful, never crossing forbidden lines. Our love and admiration for each other is just that deep since we are friends first and it is this friendship we built our relationship/marriage.

It doesn't hurt that you are tall & handsome with a nice build; you always smell so good (you know that's my thing); the sound of your voice excites and soothes me; confident (yet humble); and I like your style (and sheesh when you put on that suit or tux....ummmmmhmmmmmmm) - you had to catch my eye, right?! I thank God everyday you did. Let me not forget to mention how much of a gentleman you are; you constantly make me laugh; you acknowledge my inner beauty and cherish me; and you can be so romantic. *still swooning and smiling*

Ultimately, I just love you for loving me in the manner you do - you accept me flaws and all, never trying to change me or my core, but we are constantly growing mutually - we are perfectly imperfect together and I look forward to what our future has in store.


P.S. I love you. XOXO



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