Nice in Stilettos

Imagine receiving a text from your mom before 7am on a Friday and you expect it to read we have arrived at the airport and are about to board our flight to Chicago; but the words that came across your screen were more like we were in an accident on the way to the airport; we may miss our flight; but we are ok. And of course, I run to wake my brother up because he needs to experience this scare with me and I was certain he slept through the texts. Even though they were in fact ok; they did make their flight; and they are back home - something was still uneasy within my spirit.

The other day I was entranced on my ride home from work. I caught the sunset at an ideal moment and was in awe of the cloud placement as the sky changed colors before my eyes. All at once, I became at ease and thankful.

I may be sick and would have preferred to remain in bed all day,  yet I am thankful for a place of employment; thankful for my parents not being injured in a bad car accident; thankful I had my grandmother's house to run to as my safe haven to attempt to destress; thankful for my support system who allowed me to have my panic attacks since I did not want to let my parents know I was really freaked out & I was scared to drive the entire weekend they were gone; thankful to have a nephew who is so good to me and always senses when I need an extra hug; thankful to have this forum to share with my amazing readers this 500th post of Stilettos with my Latte; thankful to discover new readers every day who enjoy my blog.

I thought long and hard about what would be the perfect post for 500 and it finally hit me as I was driving into the sunset. Since this is the month of Thanksgiving, let's pay it forward and do something nice for others. Each week in November, I am going to do a random act of kindness. This can include paying for the order in the car behind me at the Starbucks drive thru; baking cookies/cupcakes for police departments; volunteering to read at Price's school for the day; getting involved with a Secret Santa for  fallen officers' children; providing a meal for the homeless. The possibilities are endless.

I would love for you to join me in my random acts of kindness. I challenge you all to do one act of kindness this month & I would love to hear all about it. If you take any pictures to share on social media, be sure to use the hashtag #niceinstilettos so we can all see. At the end of the month, I will share all the ways we made someone else smile.

Here's to a great month of being #niceinstilettos.



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