All the Lights

Price and I have adopted a new tradition. On Thursday nights, we grab hot chocolate from Starbucks and go explore a house with holiday displays. We love to run around and check out all of the lights.

Our first stop is always in Ambler - 1320 East Butler Pike. You can see the illumination from the house off of 309 - it is such a joy to watch a child's face light up in anticipation of what they will discover.
I suppose we need to write a letter to Santa, huh?! 
I had a special visitor at my job this week - Santa came to take pictures with the kids and all money was donated to a charity. And are you wondering what was on Price's list?! Why, legos of course!
Pam, this cookie was a hit!

How did he know this is the face I make multiple times a day?! 
On the way home, we found a new house in Willow Grove. This one is located at the corner of Terwood Avenue & Brendan Circle. We battled 19 degree temps to experience the #ValenzasChristmasLights and boy were we in for a treat!

We raced back to the car to warm up and hurry home for dinner & a shower.
I think somebody is getting excited for Christmas! 
Next up on our list - Home Alone, gingerbread houses, and baking cookies. 

What traditions have you adopted to preserve these magical moments of the holidays?



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