Be Intentional

Last Thursday, this stared me in my face and gave me pause.

I found myself repeating it over and over in my head, letting it sink in.

Self discovery is a fickle thing constantly evolving. Not sure if it is because of life experiences shaping our beliefs; or if over time we finally realize what makes us happy; or if since we are constantly growing, our sense of self will constantly change. 

As I get older, I find myself less willing to bend or settle for less than what it is I deserve. More likely to temper my expectations attempting to accept things for what they are and realizing I will not always get my way. Yet I am more inclined to speak up and voice my disdain instead of remaining silent. 

Maybe it is because I feel like time is escaping me, which means I have less of it to waste...OR maybe just maybe, I have figured out who I am, my standards, and discovered the voice to fight for what it is I believe in. 

Although I do not like conflict, I know some things need to be said in order for me to remain true to myself. Be intentional with your words. They matter.  



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