Diving Between October's Covers

Since I always take time off from work during October, I managed to find the time to actually sit still and read. I was quite pleased with the selections that awaited me...

What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons
Zinzi Clemmons is from Philly, so when I saw this book being discussed on twitter it moved to the top of my list. I breezed through and so many lines gave me pause and I want to add it to our book club queue so I can discuss it all. But that won't stop me from talking about it here. Ha! 

In my mind sex and love were inextricably linked...I have never believed this and can easily compartmentalize sex and love in separate boxes. 

When I was with him, a piece of me was in place, and I was a whole, acceptable human being to my mother. Just WOW! As women, do we make life decisions in order to please our mother?! I can say in my teens and 20s, most of my decisions always were against what my mother advised. I loved to test the boundaries. 

I made myself available to him all the time, and it wasn't long before he'd used me all up, grew bored, decided he needed more...My girlfriends have ALWAYS advised me against this - I used to be available according to when men wanted to see me even if it meant more effort on my part. In my 30s, I am extremely comfortable in saying no and offering other suggestions. 

There is a casualness bred from familiarity that makes me at ease around him, that drew me to him in the first place. Does this familiarity also cause many people to hold on to dead end situations? 

Domesticity was harder to find in a partner now, because of feminism, and just like a job candidate who can code HTML, it was something that set you above the others. I so want to learn more HTML. Lol! But uhhhh, I can honestly say knowing how to cook, bake, and clean may set you apart, but it does not guarantee you will be in a healthy relationship. So there's that...all this skill and finding yourself overqualified because men are used to subpar or are intimidated by your abilities because you have a career too...oh wait, I am not getting on this rant today. 

 Needless to say I loved this book! 

I find myself anxiously waiting for every family business novel to be released. I could not put this book down, and now I just have to get to January 30 for my next fix. 

New York, Actually by Sarah Morgan
I am craving a trip to the big city (can you believe I did not get to NYC at all during Libra season?!), I picked this up to tide me over until I can get there. I actually really enjoy Sarah Morgan's From Manhattan With Love book series. It may be on the level of Hallmark Christmas movies and we all know how I feel about those. 

In This Moment by Karma Brown
This is only my 2nd book I read from this author. I have yet to be disappointed. And we will end on this one line I quickly scribbled down...how amazing it is that a tree will continue growing right over something standing in its way, burying the past as it does. We should all strive to be like trees, no?! Continuously growing and leaving our past behind us. 

For my birthday, Wanesha not only got me a copy of Gabrielle Union's book...she also got it signed! I cannot wait to dive into this one! 
Are you finding yourself lost between the covers on this rainy Sunday? 



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