Birthday Behavior

Is Libra season REALLY over?! Already?! It seems like it just started...but I am pretty sure everybody else will beg to differ. Stop being ridiculous, ok?! 

I had one MAJOR wish this year...I wanted a pic outside a hotel room...what room you may ask??? 1008. I managed to grab that on the final day of Libra season...I wasn't wearing the outfit I planned, but I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by, right?!

Let's rewind to the beginning and how this Libra season panned out...celebrations kicked off on Friday, 9/29 when Andriece honked down a Mister Softee truck for me. None of my friends invited me to their house during ice-cream truck hours, so this was my last resort and it was a success. My twinkle top was secured and I was a happy girl. That night we had ice-cream for dinner.

To begin my birthday month, Rae planned a day out in Princeton for me on October 1. The weather was perfect as we had brunch at The Alchemist. Of course, I picked this from her list of suggestions. I LOVED the book.

Right next door was the House of Cupcakes. I had been dying to try them since I saw them on the Food Network. DELICIOUS! 

We should all live by this principles displayed on Princeton's campus
Clipping dead ends was freeing, however, the weather forecast for my birthday weekend was NOT promising. Humidity, rain, and in the high 80s. Uhhhhh mother nature, it is October. We should be falling for libra season and throwing on leather, lace, and boots. But ummm yeah, no. I needed to revisit EVERYTHING from my if I even wanted to go out. I did not want my hair looking a mess. It was too good. And did I mention there were the worse way. I just wanted to lay in my bed and sleep. I was in a MOOD! However, my parents and friends would not have it.

On Friday, my dad told my mom to tell me to get up and get dressed because we were going to dinner. Ok, I guess I DID have to eat, right?! I decided to try to make things work again with tequila - I quickly ordered a blood orange margarita at the Cheesecake Factory.
And you know there was dessert...key lime cheesecake.
Now let's move on to this day was a doozy. I hope you have time and are settled in as you are reading this because we may be awhile. It took me FOREVER to decide where to go for dinner. But a few of my girls let me know, they blocked off this day for me and to let them know a time and where we were going. I finally just said Firestone - and they took over everything else. Shana made reservations, Andriece made me a card for everybody to sign, Bogs grabbed balloons, and Drea was planning the hollyday blog takeover to give me a break from posting.

I had one job guys. ONE JOB. To get myself ready. AND I ordered a cake because I didn't like Firestone's dessert selection. I am NEVER late. For anything. SOOOO I would love to know what Bogs and Andriece thought when they showed up to my house EARLY...and I still was not ready. I felt horrible. But they told me, it was ok. And to just get ready. I was just SO HOT...and my hair was hot...and do you know the anxiety that comes with wearing a lace bodysuit while enduring your period. Yeah...I was a mess and should have taken a shot!

But let's talk about my cake for a second. I ordered a red velvet cake, white icing between layers, hot pink clean iced on the outside, with a white chocolate drip and sprinkled with gold edible glitter. I knew it would be pretty AND delicious. As I was getting my nails done, I received a phone call...the bottom layers of my cake crumbled and she was unable to make the cake again before dinner. I could hear in her voice how upset she was, AND I remembered that Thanksgiving when my cake crumbled which resulted in a major meltdown. So I immediately jumped to figuring out a back up plan...I could not celebrate my birthday WITHOUT cake. I told her it was ok, and then called Bredenbeck's. I asked them to give me a dozen cupcakes, 6 plain & 6 red velvet and to sprinkle them with gold edible glitter. As always, they delivered.

After a few selfies and a photo shoot, I was finally on the way IN my bodysuit (I almost opted for all denim and sneakers) and with swollen hair. *shrugs* I lounged in the back seat and played all the ratchet birthday songs as we hit the road.

I am glad I did not cancel - it turned out to be a great, relaxing night on the waterfront filled with candid girl talk and a ton of laughs. Did I mention the food and drinks were amazing as well?!

Even my cupcakes sparkle
When I woke up on my birthday, it was pouring. Again...I was thinking...maybe my family brunch at Not Your Average Joe's should be a no go?! It wasn't like we could sit on the roof top, right?! BUT Price was coming, so I got in gear. I do not see him on Sundays usually, so this was an additional treat!

Now I picked Price up for brunch, but he came to the table wearing this shirt...I could not stop laughing for over 5 minutes. I love a great walking advertisement.

You know I overdose on the birthday filters. Snapchat should have these available for a week at least and not just on your birthday. 
Blake stopped by to help me eat my cake. My grandmother made me a coconut layered cake. It was Blake approved! 
Once Blake left, I jumped in bed and relaxed for the rest of the day settling into the multiple days I had off from work. I read some and enjoyed spa treatments at 3000 BC.

I have no idea when this became a birthday thing...but I was craving & Pizza. Although Tifani & Tiara, joined me for my brunch...they even indulged me the next weekend.

It also happened to be National Dessert is ironic this lies in the heart of libra season. I think it is perfect since I have an insatiable sweet tooth! Max Brenner never disappoints. This time I had a white chocolate white russian (SQUEALS), chocolate chunks pizza, churros, and a baked cookie dream. Don't worry...we shared...and we did not finish it all. 
Sometimes I like to play on construction equipment when I find it outside a restaurant. It's my birthday and I can do what I want. 
Did you think I was done celebrating?! Don't be silly - there is still more. *giggles*

Andriece found a new restaurant in Newtown Square...when I looked at the menu, I knew we had to go. STAT. Firepoint Grill is going to quickly become one of my favorite places. The ambiance, the outdoor seating, the courteous staff. Their drinks were perfect along with a bubbly toast. The food selection diverse. We couldn't decide, so we may have ordered a few options and shared. And the dessert. So good.
Chocolate cake with white chocolate mousse
Somehow the last day of libra season came and I couldn't let it end without one more drink. My mom was staying downtown for the night, so I met her at Bank & Bourbon while she waited for my dad to finish work. I sipped on 2 After Thoughts as I watched the Cowboys obliterate the 49ers.
Do you know my favorite part about libra season?! I rarely hear the words no. Except from maybe Price...when I ask him to take me to see My Little Pony. Everybody simply goes with the flow and your suggestions no matter how outlandish they may be...likeeee let's order THREE desserts to try everything. It all just makes sense to me. 

My one regret is not purchasing tickets to the Bruno Mars concert. Maybe just maybe, I will grab his show at National Harbor in December. 

AND I guess I should share my birthday stretching trick. Whenever you go out, make sure the waiter overhears you discussing your birthday or tell them flat are celebrating your birthday. They WILL bring you out a dessert with candles and there may even be singing. You're welcome. 

I definitely had a great time as I began to dive into 35.  Let's do this all over again next year, ok?! XOXO



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