Libra Libations

I have a confession to make...until my birthday, I had NEVER experienced a night out in DC. I had no desire to after experiencing all the traffic driving there for business meetings when I was a media planner.

BUT Amber knew I was a tad bit stressed and had not finalized any birthday plans. One day, she sent me a link and when I clicked on it...I was SOLD! I would actually celebrate my birthday in DC this year, I just had to find something for us to do the night before. The planning was officially underway!

What we didn't account for were heavy ended up taking us almost 5 hours to get to our hotel. Thankfully, Amber made us a road trip play list per my request with all our favorite songs we used to love in high school. With nonstop laughs and singing, we finally checked into our hotel and I was starving. I knew if I planned on drinking anything, I had to eat...Popeye's to the rescue.

We only had less than 90 minutes to make it to the event, and of course I had to first take pictures which meant our room became a tornado as I staged pics in between eating, a birthday toast, showering, and throwing on clothes.

Somehow we managed to leave back out within 40 minutes...good thing we told valet not to go too far with the car...we had new experiences to encounter. AND it must have been our lucky day, the rain officially stopped as it was time to paint the town red.

Right before we left for Costa Rica, Amber wanted to go to the Sweet Spot in Philadelphia. I was too crammed with work and spending time with Price before I left for a week, so I promised we would go later in the year. Ironically, they had a masquerade themed event on my birthday. I quickly bought us tickets and had no idea what to expect. I thought it was simply an open mic night. Boy, was I in for a surprise! 
There is a rule - what happens at The Sweet Spot stays at The Sweet Spot, so without going into too much detail let's just say we had an interesting, yet entertaining night. There was poetry, singing, performances, interactive games, and a lively after party inside The Howard Theater. 
Oh the drink specials... pictured above were leg spreaders...they also offered a sweet spot and deep throat. And if you wanted to sample all 3, you simply requested a threesome. 
Amber was driving, so let's just say I ended up drinking both and definitely needed to eat because we had an early morning. Can you guess what I wanted to eat on my birthday?! If you said PIZZA, winner winner, chicken dinner!

Jeannette suggested we try And Pizza - can you believe they were open after 2am with a LONG line?! 
I quickly got in line as we talked to patrons around us (people in DC are so friendly!) and decided how we wanted to customize our individual pies. I went with spicy tomato sauce and pepperoni. Nom nom nom. Amber got fancy with spicy tomato sauce, mushrooms, and other things I cannot remember. 
Ahhhhh...we finally made it back to the hotel at 2:55am - WHAT AM I STILL DOING UP?! And yes, I traded in my stilettos for flip flops!
We had opened a bottle of champagne before leaving the room...and you know the rule, once you open it...YOU DRINK IT. Cheers to 34!
This is where I decided to finish the bottle and eat my pizza...all in the mirror...on the floor. My goal this year is to perfect my mirror selfie. If you have a mirror in your home and I am visiting, practice sessions will resume. No mirror will go untried. 
I have a rule...I told Price he can only jump on beds IN hotels...I decided to give this bed a whirl! 
Finally...all gone...and we had about 4 hours to sleep before our brunch reservations. *squeals*
It was finally time for Sir Sundays at Sax. I was a tad bit tired...but ready for this male burlesque show while I brunched.

We were early because we wanted to claim our VIP seating. The venue was opulent. As we walked in, I expected to just go to my seat and wait for the our surprise, we were greeted by a chorus of good morning while the men were already dancing in combat boots and underwear. We were off to a great morning in deed! 

I NEVER knew this was a thing, but I am thinking when I get married we should incorporate Sir Sundays into my household with my husband bringing me my coffee and a cupcake in this uniform. Please note - I ABHOR uniforms, but this one right here is just what the doctor ordered! 

We were led to our seats...front and center with all access to the stage where they performed. Oh baby! 
Here is the menu of what we were served by our table stud. Full disclosure here...the food sucked! I enjoyed my parfait and blueberry muffin, but let's be honest...I was NOT there for the food. 
But these unlimited mimosas...YES PLEASE. I have no idea how many times our pitcher was refilled...I lost count after my glass was filled for the 10th time. Yum! 
We all know how much I LOVEEEE brunch...I say it enough. I think I may now be jaded. I have to determine if my priority when brunching is now entertainment or good food.

I highly recommend everybody go to The Sweet Spot and Sir Sundays. If you cannot find somebody to go with you, if you twist my arm I will go again.

Let's just say DC treated me well and I loved every minute of our whirlwind in the city. I even want to go back to explore more of the city's restaurants, monuments, and shopping.

I started to feel bad because I felt like I was cheating on NYC...but no worries...I ended Libra season in the city that never sleeps...



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