Takeover Part Two - High School Days

Boys, boys, and more boys. I'm not going to try to sugarcoat it here. This was a main subject for Holly and I in high school. Shoot, we could've taught a class on it. Not to be misunderstood in any way, we've always been about our grades and our business. And attending the top academic school in the city meant we had to maintain high grades to stay on roll. But yea, boys were key.

Still, high school was filled with a lot of fun memories. A few of my faves: Holly's Sweet 16 party, class trips, hanging out together on weekends even if it meant taking public transportation because we weren't driving yet (the picture below is Holly chillin in my messy room one weekend), and yes we did our birthdays big back then too! On October 8 or February 16, you could always count on clusters of balloons floating above our heads as we walked the halls from one class to the next. That's because we celebrated each other back in the day just as we do today.

Another memory that Holly and I share is this label of being double trouble. Not sure how we got it. Think it had something to do with boys or some harmless flirting, but does that really sound like me or Holly? Don't answer that question!

Finally, one of the best high school memories we have is prom! As high school kids typically do, we exchanged pictures at the end of senior year with personal notes on the back for friends to remember us by. 

Girl, we should not have hurt them like that... they definitely were not ready. Like always, we had to turn a couple people out, but that's how we do. It's not our fault that they aren't ready for us. I guess we're just too much to handle. That's how the cookie crumbles sometimes. We must do this again at the reunion. Luv ya boo!

Love you too, Holls!!!



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