Takeover Part Three - Off to College

Many don't know this, but college was thee worst time in my life. For many reasons, which I won't get into here, it just sorta sucked. So I came home as much as I could and always dreaded the Sunday evening train ride back to campus in Lancaster.

Because of this, I was always grateful when friends from home would visit. I'm sure you've already guessed by now that Holly was one of those friends.

Same as always, she made a point to visit during birthday season. It meant something to me because I'd always identified more with my high school friends than those I was surrounded by in college.

When she visited, we were still double trouble. No parents were around, so we had a little more freedom to work with. College guys, campus parties, need I say more? Take this picture, for instance. I'm not sure why, but here we are climbing the walls together. SMH. No, but really, why were we climbing walls, Holly? I need answers!

Anyways, I survived college life partly because of friends who took the time to visit and bring a little piece of home to me all the way in Amish Country, USA. Thanks, Holly, for being there during another one of life's milestones.



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