Currently Reading: If You Have To Cry Go Outside

Since reading is one of my passions, I want to share what I am reading and when I am done I will give my thoughts on the book. Feel free to share your comments if you have read it as well.

This book came highly recommended, so I picked it up from the library the other day (isn't it great you can now order your books on line, they email you a notification when it is available, and it is at the front when you get there?! BRILLIANT) 

*side note* is anyone else disgusted by library books like I am thinking of things people could have been doing while they read the same book?! My rule: NO library books can touch my bed. EVER - but it really cuts down on the costs of buying books since I read them so quickly. I wish there was a way you could borrow library books from your kindle in the e-book format. 

Anyways, I have read the first 2 chapters and will let you know my thoughts upon completion. ;) 



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