The Eternal Engagement - Great Read

While Irene wreaked havoc outdoors and I nursed my injuries from taking a huge spill at the bowling alley Friday night, I decided to curl up and finish Mary B. Morrison's latest book - The Eternal Engagement. I am always impressed with her writing, along with Brenda Jackson, Francis Ray, and Victoria Christopher Murray - I know I will lose myself in the plots of their characters and the stories will evoke an emotional response - The Eternal Engagement did NOT disappoint.

One issue raised in this book was the government's treatment of PSTD victims post war. I now want to investigate and find out how the service men and women are treated after they are no longer serving their country. I would hope they would have benefits available to them to ensure they get the proper therapy and medical care while they try to become a part of what was their normalcy before they enlisted.

I am more than certain a sequel will follow The Eternal Engagement. I cannot wait to find out what happened with Mona, Lincoln, and Katherine and their "love" triangle. Do you believe you can love more than one person at the same time? Personally, I think if I fall in love with someone while dating another person, I never really loved the first person to begin with. If I was in love, my eyes would not be open to possibilities of a relationship with someone else. But that is just my two cents.

P.S. I hope you all weathered the storm and didn't suffer too much damage to your property.



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