Saturday Morning with Daddy

The end of July marks the beginning of little league football season, which is the bane of my existence. What this means for me - lots of excel sheets, working on play sheets, etc for my dad (a coach). This particular morning we had to go laminate his play sheets for his game this afternoon at Staples.

While we were waiting for them to be done, I browsed school supplies - told my dad we could pretend shop and see what I would get if I was in school - I used to be so excited to get school supplies - I would always get the cutest things and in turn this motivated me to do work because I wanted to use all my supplies. Not to mention my dad let me get whatever I wanted - I came across this today...

Now what do you put in a mini binder?! Do teachers make hand outs this small now?

Of course when we leave, you know what our next stop was...our favorite place - Bredenbeck's Bakery. If you know me and my dad, you know we have an insatiable sweet tooth and nothing makes us happier than baked goods!

*Side note* Two weeks ago we were watching Against The Wall on Lifetime - a show about a family of cops - father, brothers, and sister. The sister decides to work in Internal Affairs which pisses her family off. She makes her father a chocolate cake as a peace offering - he sends it back to her house via her brother. I mentioned to my dad if I ever baked him a cake, a chocolate cake (his favorite) - and he sent it back untouched, I would KNOW I was definitely in the dog house. That would be similar to smacking me in my face. #Ouch

Anyways, my dad KNOWS I am calorie counting, multiple weekends I have declined to get anything, today I succumbed to the peer pressure - YUM! Who can say NO to this -

My dad personally knows the owner Karen and she remarked it's those vegetables that makes you fat, not these freshly baked treats. I like her thinking! Ha!

After careful selections, we settled on a pink & yellow pretty cupcake, 2 regular cupcakes, an apple danish, 2 cheese strudels, a chunk of sourdough pound cake (it was new - we HAD to sample it), and one of my personal faves - chocolate chip pound cake (I have dreamed about this cake).

Soooooooooo what's for breakfast this morning you may ask?! A piece of chocolate chip pound cake, multivitamins, and a bottle of water?! Does the water negate the calories?! Probably not - I will definitely have to work out today, but it was oh so worth it!

Happy Saturday folks!



  1. Our sentiments are the same, New School year remains my favorite season. All the Pens and books and highlighters, I have been able to indulge through the kids though...NICE. I am loving that Mini thought is that you could shrink a document.

    Not liking the fact that your blog is causing my Sweet Tooth to throb uncontrollably. I have been trying to avoid the bakery but I dont think I can resist a NEW recipe. Thanks a lot.

  2. Of course it is my favorite time as well - it means it is almost my bday. YES! BUT do you even use the supplies you buy them???

    I guess you should thank the captain instead - ha!


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