Love with NO Judgment???

Came across this on twitter: The only thing we are supposed to do in life is to everyone unconditionally without judgmental eyes

It is easy to love someone - but unconditionally (initially)?! Does this mean without any guards and you just throw yourself ALL in and just go along for the ride? Equating to NOT protecting yourself and your feelings and possibly becoming vulnerable to being hurt or even worse disappointed?! I am the type of woman where you have to first gain my trust before I even consider going all in - I am always cautious and skeptical until you prove yourself to me - and who knows - the man may be putting up a facade in order to gain my trust - I never know until they show their true colors...

And then there is the part of NO judgmental eyes - it is so easy to form opinions based on how people act and things they communicate with you - so I am not supposed to hold these things against them?!

I guess I have some more work to do - a) learn to trust more and b) try not to be so judgmental.


Do any of you have find these issues to be an obstacle in your relationships?



  1. So this is one of my struggles as well but I've been getting some help with it thru my child. In Mark 10:15 Jesus says,I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." I never really understood this verse until having a child but it blessed me with my issues relating to how to LOVE people and let people pass the walls that I put up. In just looking at how children love: it's unconditional, based on no judgements and not predicated on "what have you done for me lately". Children hearts are so pure and gentle without preceived notions which often leads them to simply LOVE everyone they encounter. You already know what God says about judging people but what I can say is everytime I've judged someone based on appearnace or someone else's opinion,I've always been wrong. The best thing when it comes to LOVE is to LOVE with your whole heart while exercising the wisdom and discernment that God has equipped you with. There is nothing more beautiful than to be transparent and vulnerable for the RIGHT someone :-)


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